Can you really blame Wrathion? It’s not every day you see a fight like this. /popcorn
From Draenor With Love
Can you really blame Wrathion? It’s not every day you see a fight like this. /popcorn
©2011-2021 From Draenor With Love Powered by Hugo with ComicPress (kind of)
There SO needs to be a /popcorn emote (with appropriate animation of a popcorn box, like the eating and drinking animations) in the game.
Every game is improved by a /popcorn emote.
Godzilla vs King Ghidora! The fight of the century!
Or close to it. I can’t really blame Wrathion, no. 🙂
Rereading the comic, I do have one question: The sha they initially caught looked to be a standard trash mob sha (one of the generic ones that tend to pop up all over), how did it ‘evolve’ into the intelligent greater Sha that wreaked havok on Shattrath and possess Vida?
Additional question: who is Wrathion’s tailor? I would love to have a jacket like his in game. /sadness that I can’t. �?
We’re exercising a bit of creative license here, but the little sha Vid and Rades captured was “exposed” to a lot of other negative emotions during its journey! And then when it was freed, it was SURROUNDED by tons of surging, powerful emotions, essentially feeding it, giving it that little bump up in strength. 😀