It’s a good thing hitting the button on LFR Ultraxion isn’t necessary to beat the fight, because if it was, I don’t think a single LFR group would ever kill him. Like, seriously, it’s NOT THAT HARD, PEOPLE. PUSH THE DAMN BUTTON. IT’S RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SCREEN, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
But no. It’s enough to make a healer tear their hair out in frustration.
In other news, here is a snippet of the From Draenor creative process at work:
Rades: I think it needs some underbrush, in the background?
Rades: like whatever trees they have there
Rades: alternately, explosions
Rades: maybe bullet casings flying out of gun?
Vid: oh does that happen?
Vid: hahaha man
Vid: I’m pretty sure the gun is also completely wrong
Rades: haha
Vid: I don’t know how a gun works
Vid: I’m like, huh I think it’s like, look there’s a holdy thing here
Rades: you have the front ammo clip, that’s enough to show it’s a gun
Vid: wtf is an ammo clip, did I draw that
Rades: …
Vid: nevermind, hahaha
Your creative process is exactly how I imagined it 😀
Reason 5: Heroic Mimiron Trauma ‘Now why would you go and do something like that! Didnt you see the sign that said do not push that button!”
I like that there is one of those WoW Cups you’ve drawn 😀
Your brother didn’t push the button a single time tonight on normal. Only died once (for once we had a bres). Ok I tell a lie I think he was pushing it for fading light but not for hour of twilight.
Was he on his Priest? Dispersion-ing them is actually pretty nice, you take basically zero damage. Still, give him a hard time. 😉
Fireballs are hot
Polymorph makes mutton
When Hour of Twilight is cast
Press the damned button.
Seriously, the Heroic Will button (and, later, the Ysera button) appears behind my unit frame. I actually just macroed the damn thing so I can keybind it.
This is the very definition of “Addons/Interface: You’re doing it wrong!”
I was told that pushing the button was bad. When I mentioned that I was fuzzy on this whole good/bad thing, I was told “Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light. ” So, yeah. I’m not pushing the button.
Nobody ever presses the buttons (winds up being my job) on Mekkatorque either, and there’s red buttons all over the place. I know it’s not as life or death, but they’re trying to get us to push the button that early and they still won’t do it. @_@
As a healer in LFR I weep so hard. “PUSH THE BUTTON” is right up there with “KILL THE FUCKING BOLT”.
Also, Vid? You’re adorable, haha
I am sorry to see “Transmog” didn’t make the cut. ehehe. I alt tab to read wowhead during LFR, ngl.
I’m gonna come clean and be honest here…I never hit the button in LFR. Like, ever. Why? Because it doesn’t kill me, and if I have barkskin off cooldown I take like…negligble damage. Yes, I am sorry to admit, I am part of the problem.
Oh…and there is one other reason for not pushing the button. HEAL ALL OF THE THINGS RIGHT AWAY!
ahem. *does leafy jedi wave* you will not remember anything you just read in this comment.
Haha you use a defensive CD though, and are the one who would have to heal you up anyway! I think that’s okay. (Secret confession: sometimes I’ll stay out on my Priest as well, and PW:S myself to get a guaranteed Rapture proc to boot)
As an amorphous blob, I’m mildly offended by this week’s strip.
You don’t know, maaaaan. You weren’t there! ‘nam joke made, loving the comic as always =)
It’s like the Magtheridon fight all over again it seems. Back in TBC, 5 players had to simultaneously click the friggin’ cubes or Magtheridon would blast wave the raid into oblivion. Every patch in TBC that nerfed Magtheridon, we would joke that “Magtheridon would click cube for you”. This wasn’t a hard part of the fight but people tend to be mouth-breathers when it comes to clicking on objects during a fight.
Moments where Miri goes “Oh shit” in raid:
1. Rebuilt UI, forgot to make sure Ultrax button was visible and got myself 1-shot
2. Forgot to modify that BoP macro for Madness and got myself 1-shot
3. Went Ret for H. Ultrax and didn’t have Power Auras working and got myself 1-shot
4. Fell off of Ultrax’s platform (actually, no, I haven’t done this one YET)
Usually when I say “oh shit” I’m about to die…it’s my warning to the healers >.>
(I was the fail button pusher in raid on Weds–to the point I just said, fuck this fight, I’m done for the week)