Hey, he IS a Prophet, after all. Also, I just need to point this out while Rades is gone: Orcs are currently on the very naughty list.
But the idea of Velen as Greatfather Winter and the faction leaders as little kids was actually all Rades’, so you can’t accuse me of bias in this case. We agreed that it even makes sense, when you think about it – to a draenei who is thousands of years old maybe the rest of us would seem like children.
This is the first strip I’ve ever done as a water colour painting, which means it actually exists as something physical! I had a lot of fun doing it, though I doubt it’ll become a regular thing. For the demands of a weekly strip, digital is the most expedient way. But we wanted to do something a little special for the last strip of 2012. We wish you all the best in the new year, thank you for reading and your continued support!
-Vid & Rades (From Draenor With LOVE)
Merry Christmas, you guys! 🙂
D’awwwww, cute comic. Think kid!Varian is the most adorable, though.
OMB, this is so adorable! I don’t know which mini faction leader I like the most!
Happy Winter Veil to you, too!
I’m just assuming that’s mini-magni on his lap being all “I WANT A BEARD LIKE YOURS :D” Because that is an adorable idea.
You are right! You know, it’s really hard to draw a dwarf without a beard, haha. And that was exactly the intent, “LOVE YOUR BEARD.”
Oh, they are all so cute – even Varian!
Aww Tyrande 🙂
Varian looks like a kid with a new lightsaber. Not that I’d know anything about that….
Oh god, this is so cute! I especially love the detail on the tree, with the little Talbuk and Naaru ornaments. And I love Tyrande with the little stuffed nightsaber toy.
Oh please, someone make some talbuk plushies that look like that! *grabbyhands*
Thank you for a wonderful year of comics, both of you 🙂
So much love for this… *squee*
Happy New Year! Thank you for a fun year of comics!
Beautiful. Though I question where Aysa is. Why no love for the pandas? ;_;
You forget the Tyrande is also a pretty old lady! 😛
Anyway, i love it! also, I guess Greymane’s gonna be the first to get all his presents open :p