After getting swamped last week and falling a bit behind schedule, Vid and I sat down this week and tossed some ideas around on how we could streamline the comic process a little. We realized that something that would help us out a great deal would be adopting a cleaner, more “inked” look. It’ll be a bit of a change from the pages so far, but I’ve always thought Vid’s art looked super sharp when in the inked-page step, so I’m actually really glad everyone is getting to see it now! And as a black & white comic, there’s also a lot of opportunity to embrace this style and follow in the artistic footsteps of other black & white / black & white & spot color comics like POLAR.

As for this page? Well, Vid & Rades (the characters) might be friends, but you can tell this isn’t something they chat about too frequently. If you really think about it, it’s basically the most uncomfortable, awkward conversation in the world. But fate has brought them back here, and all those memories are being stirred up and brought to the forefront…

(A funny story, we had actually never figured out exactly how Vid & Rades would have met and became friends. Until now, we’d always just assumed it was through their mutual love of engineering. But when we started to plan out the story, and considered their pasts, we realized that them meeting during Children’s Week in Shattrath really was the perfect starting point for their friendship.)