Blackrock Foundry is live! Is your guild all set to take down Blackhand? I can’t wait to see what sort of interesting mechanics Blizzard throws at us this time. And it’s always exciting when you start collecting the first new tier set of an expansion!

Thank you to our latest Patreon patrons, Orkchop, Kelsey and Nharzul! We appreciate your support! 😀

Speaking of, we’ve posted the December wallpapers to the Patreon site for our patrons to download and enjoy! We hope you like it!

Finally, a bit of sad news. AOL announced this week they were shutting down our friends over at WoW Insider, which took place yesterday. WoW Insider as we know it is no more. Now, some good news! Some of the WI staff have started up a new website, Blizzard Watch, which is off to a great start! We highly recommend adding them to your bookmarks and supporting them as they move forward in this new, but exciting, direction!

We’ll still miss WoW Insider, of course. And we’d like to especially thank Amanda Miller for the great work she did putting together the Sunday Funnies each week, and helping all us WoW webcomics get much-appreciated exposure. Thanks again, Amanda!